Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer • Seite 1 von 1
von ada06
Mi 27. Apr 2011, 09:45
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 102376

Re: Fan-Treffen in Hamburg zum Hugh Laurie Konzert Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
thank you very much for your answers, hope I can meet some of you ! Now I'm going sightseeing haha
von ada06
Di 26. Apr 2011, 22:28
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 102376

Re: Fan-Treffen in Hamburg zum Hugh Laurie Konzert Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Urgent question , someone please answer me *puppy eyes* !!!! I am already in Hamburg and I have both a small compact photo camera and a DSLR Nikon camera and I don't know which I should take to the concert. Should I leave the DSLR at the hotel and take the small one or are we allowed to take pics/ge...
von ada06
Fr 25. Mär 2011, 11:14
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 102376

Re: Fan-Treffen in Hamburg zum Hugh Laurie Konzert Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
The doors will open @ 7 pm /german time ;) I don'tknow when I'll arrive in Hamburg, but I have to work that day. But I think around 5:30, so I think we gonna be in front at the Cafe Keese around 6 pm. thank you ,every detail is appreciated especially since I don't speak German so I might miss detai...
von ada06
Do 24. Mär 2011, 21:39
Antworten: 108
Zugriffe: 102376

Re: Fan-Treffen in Hamburg zum Hugh Laurie Konzert Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
I'm sorry to barge in like this , I wrote a message on the main thread yesterday as well so I already said I don't speak German which is why I never post but since I'm coming from abroad to both of the concerts and I know almost nothing about Hamburg, any sort of details and help is welcome . Are yo...

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album "Let Them Talk" (Release: 09./17. Mai 2011) Single: "You don't know my mind" Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
HI ! This is my first post here because I don't speak German . I want to say I bought tickets for both concerts and I will be travelling by myself ( I am obviously not from Germany) and it would be great to meet some of you. Also, a question : do you think there are chances for Hugh to be a little m...